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Latin American Systemic Functional Linguistics Association
Dialogues among disciplines, approaches and practices
Preconference Courses: November 6 - 7, 2017
Conference: November 8 - 10, 2017

• Cecilia Colombi (University of California, Davis, USA)
Building bridges: A functional approach to teaching Spanish as an inherited language or L2 in the US
• Christian Matthiessen (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Dimensions of disciplinary dialogues: the SFL potential
• Désirée Motta‐Roth (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil)
Academic literacy and legitimate peripheral participation in the production of
• James R. Martin (University of Sydney, Australia)
Ideational semiosis: field, discourse semantics and lexicogrammar
• Len Unsworth (Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia)
Image analyses in school science research: Interfacing systemic functional semiotics and alternative theoretical perspectives
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