Latin American Systemic Functional Linguistics Association
Dialogues among disciplines, approaches and practices
Preconference Courses: November 6 - 7, 2017
Conference: November 8 - 10, 2017

We will offer four scholarships to support applicants from Latin America (2) and Argentina (2 from provinces other than Córdoba) who have already submitted an abstract for a presentation in the 13th ALSFAL Conference. The scholarships will cover:
Registration to attend the 13th ALSFAL Conference.
Accommodation for 2 nights ( 8th and 9th of November)
Those who wish to apply for a scholarship should send the following:
· a copy of the accepted paper abstract
· a two-page CV
· a one-page statement specifying: why you wish to attend the 13th ALSFAL Conference ; reasons why you merit a scholarship, including how you will be able to disseminate theoretical and practical knowledge in your local community
Applications must be submitted by October 13th, 2017. Please send the application materials to alsfal2017@gmail.com and write “SCHOLARSHIP” in the subject.
The applications will be evaluated by the organizing committee and winners will be notified by e-mail on 19th October and their names published on the congress web page. We are looking forward to receiving applications.